Ornamental Fish

Fish add a delightful element to any pond. Often becoming household pets, even with names, they provide hours of joy and entertainment.

Stock a new water garden at the rate of one inch of fish per every 8 gallons of water, waiting 3 to 4 weeks after introducing plants (this allows necessary bacteria to populate the pond). Beneficial bacteria should also be introduced prior to stocking with fish to promote healthy water. This initial stocking rate allows room for growth and reproduction. All of the fish listed below are compatible with each other. Koi and Golden Orfe have some limitations for treatments; please read instructions carefully before applying treatments to your ponds when these fish are present.

The listing below represents our normal stock of ornamental fish. Due to varying seasonal availability, we cannot guarantee all fish are available at the same time. However, we make every effort to keep these sizes in stock and often have other sizes or varieties in stock as well. Visit our nursery or let us send our fish to you.