Floating Plants

Planting is simple with floating plants, just toss them in and they float according to the will of the wind. Buoyant leaves keep these plants afloat, making great natural spawning areas for fish as well as protection for fish, large and small. Their best contribution to the pond, however, is the enhanced water quality that you get from them. The roots dangle in the water and readily absorb organic pollutants. They also form a very aggressive mat that shades the water below, keeping it cool and dark below, thus reducing algae growth. As an edge planting, push roots between rocks on the submerged edge of the pond. These “planted” floaters will root among the stones, and will often grow fuller and flower better. Hyacinths will also adapt well to planting into the stream bed where the water rushes over the weighted down root system. Good, inexpensive, quick cover for new water gardens. Hyacinths prefer full sun and Lettuce prefers light shade. Available in May.

Water Hyacinth, Eichorina crassipes

Bulbous shaped leaves float on the water’s surface to provide shade and natural filtration for the pond. Great spawning medium for goldfish and hiding places for the baby fish. Lovely purple flowers are produced until killing frost. Prefers full sun.

CANNOT SHIP TO: AL, AR, AZ, CA, FL, LA, SC, TX, City of Chicago

Water Lettuce, Pistia stratioides

Also known as Shell Flower. Floating rosettes multiply quickly to provide shade and natural filtration for your pond. Prefers light shade.