Many varieties available bare root shipped directly to you or potted for pick up at our nursery. We grow hardy perennial and tropical annual (night and day blooming) varieties in a wide range of colors and sizes. These plants not only add great beauty to your water garden but also act as a valuable cooling mechanism thus helping to control algae growth.
Add these beautiful lilies to your garden and enjoy a display of flowers from May through September. Each flower lasts about four days, opening and closing daily. Many of our cultivars will produce several flowers at a time. The floating leaves provide shade to the water below, a main contribution factor to the “balance” of the pond. In the winter, the leaves die back and the plant remains dormant until spring. In smaller ponds, mix the varieties for an interesting display. In larger ponds, use several of the same variety to achieve a mass effect.
What Does a Water Lily Need to Bloom and Grow?
Five or more hours of sunlight per day. The afternoon sun is best. Some varieties will give some flowers with less light. More sun means more flowers.
A good quality topsoil is used as the growing medium. Do not use bagged topsoil that is not specifically labeled for aquatic plants or any soil that has organic amendments. Clay-loam topsoil is best while sub-soil (just clay) should be avoided. Soil from a vegetable or flower garden is best. Cover with small gravel to keep fish out and soil in.
Use a planting container that is as large as your pond will accommodate. Remember to allow a minimum of 10″ of water over the soil surface. Many varieties will do well with 18-20 inches of water or more over the soil. Shallow lilies generally do not bloom as well. Be sure the root system is below the freeze line in the winter (generally an 18″ deep pond is sufficient in Zone 6). A water lily prefers a wide shallow container to match the growing habit of the roots.
Regular fertilization will keep your water lily blooming and flourishing. Fertilizer is put into the soil at planting and from April through August using spikes or tablets.
Remove unsightly leaves and spent blooms to keep your water lily growing and blooming vigorously. Pinch leaves and spent blooms all the way back to the soil.
Do not position the water lily so that the floating leaves are in the path of turbulence from a waterfall or splashing water.
Occasional division will keep your water lily blooming and flourishing. Divide in April through August. Cut the plant into smaller pieces of complete plants, keeping the largest plant for replanting. Discard small or weak plants. Replant in fresh soil, fertilize regularly.